It feels good to be seen for a change. I don't meet the exterior standards most women seem to have, like income, house, car, looks, but guys like me have the inner qualities those women miss in their chosen men, like empathy, intelligence, creativity and the will to grow spiritually. Most of us have no hygiene issues and only minor substance problems. On the other hand we are happily willing to stay in the friend zone, unconditionally providing the love, the ears, the shoulders women lack in their relationships. So women have no real reason to change their set of standards, because they're getting the best of both worlds, from different men. We, the providers of the real stuff, the good, the deep, the high quality understanding, seeing love, have gotten used to the 'I wish he was like you' (I wish you weren't broke and ugly). And it's okay to a certain extent, because we are giving and living that 'real love' everybody's fussing about. Minus the stability of a relationship, minus the sex. So, yes, ladies, we do exist, the good men, and if you don't mind a bit broke and a bit ugly, we're here, waiting.